DLL Cleaning

Reopening Your Restaurant After COVID-19: Professional Cleaning Is Key

Reopening Your Restaurant After COVID 19 Professional Cleaning Is Key

Operating a NYC restaurant during a pandemic in this lifetime is unprecedented. There’s no single resource that tells restaurant owners exactly how to clean and disinfect a restaurant after COVID-19 released its grip.  

You can take the lead to inhibit the spread of the virus by insisting on proper handwashing and ensuring that your restaurant is clean from top to bottom.

New York City has implemented a new health inspection system where each establishment gets a grade for cleanliness. Get a “C” rating and the health department shuts you down.  

The key to reopening your restaurant safely after COVID-19 is to have a professional commercial restaurant cleaning service take the lead. With DLL Cleaning Services, you will make the grade for health and good eating. 

Why Your Restaurant Needs a Professional Cleaning Service

NYC  restaurants have enormous competition. An online survey by Harris Poll showed that 93% of adults wouldn’t return to a restaurant if they noticed a flaw in the establishment. 

Your customers are more inclined than ever to evaluate your restaurant for cleanliness. They’ll be on the lookout for:

  • Clean smells
  • Sanitary restrooms
  • Clean waiting areas
  • Clean seating areas

The CDC informs us that COVID-19 mainly spreads from person-to-person, being in close contact with others, and through coughs and sneezes. The pandemic calls for paying close attention to the CDC’s recommended sanitary procedures. Your staff will need to step up their normal cleaning procedures by:

  • Setting up extra times to sanitize areas that get touched frequently—door handles, touch screen kiosks, etc.
  • Requiring staff to wash their hands more frequently.
  • Ensuring that staff is washing their hands for at least 20 seconds. 

These extra cleaning tasks will be especially challenging during peak times, so thoughtfully consider the need to schedule extra staff to ensure that extra cleaning procedures don’t fall to the wayside. This is a “make it work” moment. Keep all these on the mind at the time of reopening a restaurant after COVID-19

Essential Cleaning Supplies for Cleaning a Restaurant

You know how to keep a restaurant clean if you’ve been in business for any length of time. Your staff will be able to follow your protocols better when you ensure that you have the following cleaning supplies on hand:

  • Bleach
  • Spray glass cleaner
  • Broom
  • Clean dishcloths
  • Disinfecting spray for counters and other surfaces
  • Mop and bucket with soap for floor
  • Vacuum cleaner with attachments
  • Toilet bowl cleaner and toilet brush
  • Disinfecting wipes
  • Supplies restocking—toilet paper, paper towels, napkins

How to Clean a Greasy Restaurant Kitchen Floor

A busy kitchen is bound to have food and drink spills all over it by the end of the day. When it doesn’t get cleaned thoroughly at the end of each shift, it provides a haven for harmful bacteria and greasy build-up which can cause slips and falls. 

Consider these three simple steps for cleaning a greasy restaurant kitchen floor:

  1. Sweep the floor.
  2.  Clean the floor with a degreasing product.
  3. Mop the floor with bleach water and let air dry.

At least once a week, take a stiff bristle brush and scrub your floor with the bleach solution. Consistency will give you the best results.

How to Clean a Restaurant Oven

Clean your convection oven every day to keep your grease and grime from building up and to keep your restaurant smelling clean. Be sure that your oven is cool first and follow these easy steps:

  1. Remove the racks and scrub them clean in your commercial sink.
  2. Wipe down the inside of the oven with a wet towel. Pay special attention to the area around the fans. 
  3. Replace the racks and leave the oven open so it can dry completely.

Try using lemon juice and vinegar as a cleaning solution instead of an oven cleaner. 

Sanitize to Prevent Foodborne Illness 

Bacteria can multiply quickly in food which can lead to E. Coli contamination, Norovirus infection, or food poisoning. 

  • Store food between 41°F and below 140°F 
  • Avoid cross-contamination of surfaces for vegetables and meat
  • Address issues of common restaurant pests 
  • Thoroughly food prep areas, equipment, and utensils

Health Department Guidelines Ensure Dining Safety

Your city’s health department will give you a complete list of what health inspectors are looking for. Review and follow their list and be sure to follow the CDC’s recommendations for preventing the spread of germs, viruses, and foodborne illnesses. 

COVID-19 has brought serious risks to your business. There was never a more important time to invest in professional commercial cleaning service for your restaurant than during this time of the pandemic. Get a quote from DLL Cleaning Services and leave the dirty work to the professionals so you can work on getting your business back up and running. 

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