DLL Cleaning

How to Do Allergy Cleaning on a Professional Level

Allergy Cleaning

It’s worse enough when your allergies affect you outside. But if you start noticing the effects inside as well, you have a problem on your hands.

Knowing how to clean for allergies is essential for allergy sufferers and their families. Without the right allergy cleaning methods, you could be left to cough and sneeze your way through every season and there’s no fun in that.

Luckily, learning how to complete allergy cleaning on a professional level is pretty easy and straightforward. Here are some tasks we complete here at DLL Cleaning Services when we’re working for a client who is struggling with allergies that you can do at your own home

Wipe Down All Surfaces

Allergens sit on everything. From clutter to furniture to countertops in the kitchen, every surface is covered in them. That’s why the most important step in your process is to wipe everything down from top to bottom. 

Make sure to use a microfiber cloth and an EPA-approved cleaning solution that both cleans and disinfects if possible. You’ll want to focus on surfaces and nooks and crannies that may get overlooked regularly. Doing so will give everything a fresh surface so that when you’re moving about you won’t be stirring up any allergens. 

Learn to Dust Properly

Believe it or not, there is a right way to dust. The best way to dust so you get the most of it as possible is to work from top to bottom using either a microfiber loath or a duster of your choice. 

For example, start your dusting process by getting to cobwebs and such on the ceiling. Then wipe down your fan. Then, make your way down with shelving, furniture, and eventually, the floor.

The best duster for allergies is one that collects and holds everything it wipes up, like a stiffer picker-upper.

Deep Clean Your Carpets Regularly

Your carpet holds an outrageous amount of dirt and allergens so upkeep is extra important. First, you’ll want to vacuum at least once a week — more if you have the time. Use a vacuum that has a HEPA filter and is dedicated to your lifestyle. 

You’ll also want to deep clean your carpets at least once a month. You can either shampoo them yourself or rent a hot water extractor from your local hardware store. Clean the carpets until the water runs clear (which may take a while).

Don’t Forget the Upholstery

Just like carpets, your upholstery is home to dust, dirt, hair, and bacteria. If not cleaned regularly, every time you sit on the couch could create itchiness o a sneezing fit. 

You want to vacuum your upholstery weekly, especially if you have pets with hair. You’ll also want to shampoo and extract the furniture if possible. Some upholstery can only be vacuumed, so make sure to check the tag first

Extra Tips and Tricks

There are other things you can do in your home to help stave off the effects of allergens. Some of the tasks may seem small, but they can make a big difference.

  • Declutter: There’s never a better time to spring clean! Clutter is the number one thing in your home that collects allergens and can make a room stuffy. Try to have everything stored in a sealed place to give allergens the least space possible to settle. 
  • Launder linens weekly : Your bedding, blankets, and pillows should be washed as frequently as possible. Wash and dry them on the highest level possible to wash away all the allergens that collect over time. This is especially helpful if you have pets. 
  • Keep windows closed : In peak allergy season, specifically in the summer and fall, try and fight the urge to open the windows on a warm day. When you open windows, little allergens make their way through your window screen and into your home’s air circulation. 
  • Get an air purifier : Although costly upfront, an air purifier can help lessen the amount of allergens in the air at all times, making it easier to breathe. 

Let DLL Cleaning Services Help

As you can see, cleaning for allergies can be a time-consuming process. For many, that’s not time they have to spare. That’s why your best course of action would be to let an expert allergy cleaning service like the one at DLL Cleaning Services take over. 

Our professional cleaning services are affordable, efficient, and completely customizable, so you choose what gets done in your home. Our wide service area and expert level training and certification allow us to provide a variety of services, including:

Take it from our reviews — working with DLL Cleaning Services just makes life easier. Reach out to us today for more information and to schedule your first allergy house cleaning service today.

The post How to Do Allergy Cleaning on a Professional Level appeared first on DLL Cleaning Services .